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Mamak is a small, unassuming fishing pond in on Pattaya’s dark side. Don’t let the ponds small fool you, there are some large fish in this pond with several 20kg+ catfish present. The amount and size of the fish at Mamak make it well worth the 100thb rod fee.
The pond has a good variety of species including, Rohu Carp, Tilapia, Striped Catfish and Mekong Catfish. Smaller carp and Tilapia can be taken home for a fee /per kg, but larger fish must be put back.
A great way to fish this pond is to use a heavy float to suspend a piece of bread around a foot under the surface. Many of the larger species, such as the catfish and the Rohu can be caught this way.
The family that run Mamak are friendly and serve delicious Thai food and drinks to the shelters that line the side of the pond.